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That’s Fresh: Why Blog Writing is the Nectar of Google

Blog writing to satisfy GoogleThere are certain details on your business website that are static – the about page, the services page, the contact information. Because these elements of a website rarely change, there isn’t much that Google can do with them. Once they’ve been spidered and indexed and ranked for keywords, that’s it. So how do you keep wooing Google? With a blog.

Search engines are friendly to websites that host blogs with regularly updated content. Google needs to see that your site is active, changing, and offering something new to visitors – otherwise, why would they recommend you in their search results? Adding content to your website is always a good thing, and doing so through a blog is the best way to make it happen.

How Do You Write a Blog?

Every new blog post is like a love letter to Google – love me, choose me, see my thoughtful use of keywords, rank me the highest among my competitors.

And blogs are fairly easily to populate – all you have to do is write about what you know. Discuss the latest innovation in your field, tie in a pop culture occurrence or news item, just figure out how to be a hip source of information – and keep your blatant self-promotion for another outlet entirely. Create your niche and stick with it. Have a photo blog, a video blog, a funny blog, or mix and match your offerings. The more hot topics you can write about, the more Google is likely to find your site and give it some attention.

Blogging is for the Cool Kids

There are plenty of silly reasons why people shun blogs for their website, like: I don’t have time to write a blog or Blogs are cheesy. But here are some of the top reasons why you shouldn’t turn your back on one of the most important website elements:

  • Blogs have evolved: Blogs no longer serve as merely a platform for the personal opinions of an individual. Many blogs blur with mass media, offering actual news and timely, relevant info rather than just subjective content.
  • Blogs help you get to know your customers or clients: If you’ve been seeking a way to interact with your customers or clients beyond social media, every new blog post is an opportunity to engage with the visitors to your site and gather insight. Blogs give your business a personality.
  • Blogging is marketing 101: Every blog post should be informative and interesting and offer something new to the reader. Blogging is where you perfect the art of the soft sell. In this environment you show your readers that they can trust you as a subject matter expert.
  • A blog makes you look current: With the content of a blog being referred to as “news” or “updates,” particularly for corporate purposes, you set your business up to be perceived as an active, interested entity in your field.
  • Google has told you to create fresh content: Look, Google is pretty forthcoming about how they rank websites. There is no mystery to getting to the top of search engine rankings – you just have to follow the rules, and Google’s rule is: Give us fresh content and you will be loved.

You don’t have to write your blog. There are always copywriting professionals available to do the blog writing for you. Yes, your input is critical, but you don’t actually have to find time every day or week to think of an idea, compose it, and post it. Hire someone to do it for you (like us). Keep your website fresh and make Google happy. Contact Pistonbroke to get on the blog bandwagon.